「我想問係咪度腰臀比例會比脂肪磅準確?我一星期做 3 至 4 次負重訓練,但望落未算非常Fit,成日比啲教練話我唔夠 Fit,我腰臀比例係 0.69 左右。」
以下係 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 對腰臀比例嘅解釋:
“The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is the circumference of the waist divided by the circumference of the hips and has been used as a simple method for determining body fat distribution. Health risk increases with WHR, and standards for risk vary with age and sex.”
(Mitchell H Whaley; Peter H Brubaker; Robert M Otto; Lawrence E Armstrong. 2006. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 7th Edition, p59)
腰臀比例能夠量度身體脂肪的分佈,量度方法很簡單,將腰部最幼處的圍度,除以臀部最粗處的圍度便能得出結果了。假設 Mary 30 寸腰,40寸籮友:
腰臀比例 = 30/40 = 0.75
Fit 的定義
跟據牛津字典, Fit 有以下定義:
“In good health, especially because of regular physical exercise”
“(British informal) Sexually attractive; good-looking”
(Ref: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/fit)
咁即係 Fit 唔 Fit?
Fit 與唔 Fit 係好主觀,每人心目中嘅理想身型都有所不同。以下邊位女士最 Fit?相信每人都有不同答案。

健身運動係要做,至於理想身型係點,最緊要係問自己,自己覺得 Fit 就可以了,唔洗在乎人地點睇。
單人 / 小組健身課程 | 於私人健身室舉辦,有不同日子及類型課堂任你揀。
以下係 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 對腰臀比例嘅解釋:
“The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is the circumference of the waist divided by the circumference of the hips and has been used as a simple method for determining body fat distribution. Health risk increases with WHR, and standards for risk vary with age and sex.”
(Mitchell H Whaley; Peter H Brubaker; Robert M Otto; Lawrence E Armstrong. 2006. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 7th Edition, p59)
腰臀比例能夠量度身體脂肪的分佈,量度方法很簡單,將腰部最幼處的圍度,除以臀部最粗處的圍度便能得出結果了。假設 Mary 30 寸腰,40寸籮友:
腰臀比例 = 30/40 = 0.75
Fit 的定義
跟據牛津字典, Fit 有以下定義:
“In good health, especially because of regular physical exercise”
“(British informal) Sexually attractive; good-looking”
(Ref: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/fit)
咁即係 Fit 唔 Fit?
Fit 與唔 Fit 係好主觀,每人心目中嘅理想身型都有所不同。以下邊位女士最 Fit?相信每人都有不同答案。

健身運動係要做,至於理想身型係點,最緊要係問自己,自己覺得 Fit 就可以了,唔洗在乎人地點睇。
單人 / 小組健身課程 | 於私人健身室舉辦,有不同日子及類型課堂任你揀。