我有幾位 CLIENT 的修身進度未如理想,他們並不懶惰,每星期都會做運動三、四次,而飲食習慣亦很健康,唯一問題就是喝酒。他們似乎都低估了酒精對身體的影響,又或者對酒有一些誤解(例如認為只有啤酒才會致肥)。不論甚麼酒類飲品,酒精本身已經有很高的卡路里,一克的酒精含有 7 卡路里,只是比脂肪低一點點(9
卡路里/克),差不多是碳水化合物和蛋白質的兩倍(4 卡路里/克),所以飲品的酒精含量越高,所含的卡路里就越高,越容易致肥。
酒精含量:約 5%
份量:一罐(約 500ml)
卡路里:約 175
男士^ 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:21
女士” 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:28 分鐘
參考資料:一碗飯(150g,五湯匙滿)約有 220 卡路里
^假設男士的體重為 70kg (154lb),下同
“假設女士的體重為 50kg (110lb),下同
*假設在跑步機上以大約 8kmh 來跑步,下同
酒精含量:約 15%
份量:一枡(木盒般的喝酒器皿,約 180ml)
卡路里:約 189
男士^ 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:23
女士” 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:31 分鐘
酒精含量:約 40%
份量:一杯(約 30ml)
卡路里:約 84
男士^ 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:10
女士” 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:14 分鐘
酒精含量:約 12%
份量:一杯(約 125ml)
卡路里:約 105
男士^ 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:13
女士” 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:18 分鐘
酒精含量:約 40%
份量:一 SHOT(約 25ml)
卡路里:約 70
男士^ 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:9
女士” 以跑步* 來消耗以上卡路里所需時間:12 分鐘
Some of my clients are not making much progress in losing weight. They workout enough and eat well,
however they cannot cut down on alcohol. It seems that they have underestimated
the impact of alcohol to the body, or they have some wrong concepts about it
(e.g. ONLY beer will lead to weight gain). Pure alcohol
contains about 7 calories per gram, which makes it nearly twice as fattening as
carbohydrates or protein (both contain about 4 calories per gram) and only just
a bit lower than fat (9 calories per gram). For people who want to lose fat, alcohol is not a good choice.
The calorie contents of some popular drinks are shown
as below:
ABV (alcohol by volume): about 5%
Serving: Can(about 500ml)
Calories: about 175
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (men^): 21 minutes
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (women”): 28 minutes
Reference: 1 bowl of white rice (150g)
contain about 220 calories
^Assume a man weighs 70kg (154lb), same below
“Assume a woman weighs 50kg (110lb), same below
jogging at 8kmh on a treadmill, same below
ABV (alcohol by volume): about 15%
Serving: ”masu” (wooden box cup)(about 180ml)
Calories: about 189
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (men^): 23 minutes
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (women”): 31 minutes
ABV (alcohol by volume): about 40%
Serving: snifter(about 30ml)
Calories: about 84
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (men^): 10 minutes
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (women”): 14 minutes
Red wine, white wine
ABV (alcohol by volume): about 12%
Serving: small glass(about 125ml)
Calories: about 105
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (men^): 13 minutes
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (women”): 18 minutes
Vodka, whiskey, gin
ABV (alcohol by volume): about 40%
Serving: shot(about 25ml)
Calories: about 70
The exercise time need to burn off the
calories with jogging* (men^): 9 minutes
exercise time need to burn off the calories with jogging* (women”): 12 minutes