2012年10月20日 星期六

Chronic lower back pain exercises

Bad posture, sitting all day long in the office or job involving lifting and pulling may cause lower back pain. Besides paying attention to your posture in the daily life, strengthening the lower back and glute muscles and improving the flexibility may help get rid of lower back pain.

Alternating superman

Extend the alternate arm and leg all the way and squeeze the butt very hard.

Land swimming

This exercise strengthen the upper back muscle also. Draw very very big circles with hands and again... squeeze the butt.

Modified single leg toe touch

Besides lower back muscles, it also challenges the balance and ankle stability. Touch the floor with finger tips very softly and raise the arms all the way up. Fully extend the arms and standing leg and don't forget to... squeeze the butt!

Seated lower back stretch

Improving the flexibility. It is good to end a training session with static stretch.