1) 我想快啲增加肌肉,我應該舉重啲、每組 6 至 8 吓,定係舉輕啲、每組 10 - 12 吓?
2) 小食多餐係咪好啲?洗唔洗戒碳水化合物(飯、麵、麵包)?
3) 洗唔洗每日跑半個鐘去幫助消脂?」
如果你是做 Gym 新手,建議先挑選較輕的啞鈴或槓鈴,以較慢的速度進行每組約 12 至 15 次。先掌握好技巧才慢慢提升重量。
「小吃多餐」能減少脂肪積聚。不需戒吃碳水化合物,但可選擇少吃高升糖指數(GI Value)的食物,如薯仔、白麵包。
瘦削而有肚腩的身型(Skinny Fat)的確有點肉酸,請你努力運動,增肌減肥,回復瀟灑身段。
(英文原文:I am a later 30s HK Chinese (living overseas). 178cm, about 63kg, body fat hovering 10-15%. Slim body type but now with small gut. I want to build muscle fast. (1) should I go for heavier weight with 6-8 reps or lighter weight with 10-12 reps during the first 100 days of weight training? (2) during the time you want to build muscle, I was told to avoid getting hungry with many small meals, should I cut out carbs (rice, pasta, bread) all together? (3) is it a good idea to run everyday to burn 300 calories (about 30 mins) till I lose my small gut? I am not a heavy eater and mainly only eat healthy meals...)
單人 / 小組健身課程 | 於私人健身室舉辦,有不同日子及類型課堂任你揀。
2) 小食多餐係咪好啲?洗唔洗戒碳水化合物(飯、麵、麵包)?
3) 洗唔洗每日跑半個鐘去幫助消脂?」
如果你是做 Gym 新手,建議先挑選較輕的啞鈴或槓鈴,以較慢的速度進行每組約 12 至 15 次。先掌握好技巧才慢慢提升重量。
「小吃多餐」能減少脂肪積聚。不需戒吃碳水化合物,但可選擇少吃高升糖指數(GI Value)的食物,如薯仔、白麵包。
瘦削而有肚腩的身型(Skinny Fat)的確有點肉酸,請你努力運動,增肌減肥,回復瀟灑身段。
(英文原文:I am a later 30s HK Chinese (living overseas). 178cm, about 63kg, body fat hovering 10-15%. Slim body type but now with small gut. I want to build muscle fast. (1) should I go for heavier weight with 6-8 reps or lighter weight with 10-12 reps during the first 100 days of weight training? (2) during the time you want to build muscle, I was told to avoid getting hungry with many small meals, should I cut out carbs (rice, pasta, bread) all together? (3) is it a good idea to run everyday to burn 300 calories (about 30 mins) till I lose my small gut? I am not a heavy eater and mainly only eat healthy meals...)
單人 / 小組健身課程 | 於私人健身室舉辦,有不同日子及類型課堂任你揀。